Adding a New Post to WordPress with Beaver Builder
WordPress introduced the new editor Gutenberg with their 5.0 update. This is a radical change from the classic editor, which in turn, will bring radically different results to your website. While most think such a significant change in the design and feel of WordPress will bring a slew of technical and user difficulties, that is not the case. Gutenberg is new, but it is quite easy to master with the correct walk-through.
This article is centered on creating new posts or blogs within a WordPress website using the Beaver Builder Plugin. With this add-on, you will create CPTs (Custom Post Types). A CPT is, in essence, just a post or blog that is designed within itself, not necessarily matching with the rest of the design of the website. This can help you if a post needs to contain more data or represent the data in a certain way. Usually, this means inserting code into your theme, which WordPress advises against. However, Beaver Builder makes this much more straightforward and user-friendly.
Adding a Post to WordPress with Beaver Builder
Before you create a new post, please be sure to go to your WordPress Plugin Directory to find and install the Beaver Builder plugin. If you bought a premium version of Beaver Builder from an outside source, use the Upload Plugin option to incorporate it into your WordPress website. You will need to go to the WordPress Admin Panel, then go to Settings > Beaver Builder > Post Types and make sure Posts is selected.
Ready to Give it a Try?
Beaver Builder is the perfect editor for anyone who likes a drag-and-drop website design approach. Since there is no need to know HTML coding, anyone can quickly make a beautiful and professional post on their website. Following these steps should make the process even easier. If you still need help, give us a call or contact us!