
Diving into digital marketing, you've likely come across the term Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a small business owner. Embracing SEO means your business could attract traffic from the unpaid segment of search engine results, bypassing the need for paid advertising! Regardless of your industry, the "What is Search Engine Optimization" seminar is crafted to demystify this crucial element of digital marketing for you.

Major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and DuckDuckGo evaluate websites—or specifically, web pages—based on their relevance to the searcher's query. A higher ranking on these platforms means your website can capture a larger share of the referrals they generate. However, understanding your current position and knowing how to improve are key.

The "What is Search Engine Optimization" seminar is a treasure trove for small business owners eager to understand and enhance their SEO standings. Matthew Maennche will simplify the complexities of SEO, offering straightforward strategies for improving your search engine rankings. Topics we'll explore include:

  • The role of Backlinks
  • The use of Alt, Title, and Header tags
  • Crafting compelling Content for SEO
  • The strategic placement of Internal Links
  • Identifying effective Keywords

Mastering SEO is essential for businesses aiming to carve out a successful online presence. This seminar promises to equip you with the necessary insights to maximize your online success and instill the confidence to implement robust SEO strategies for your website. If you're ready to elevate your SEO knowledge, RSVP for the "What is Search Engine Optimization" seminar today!

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Website Re-design Quote

Step 1 of 3

Please list any URL’s that may apply.
Enter any additional functionality needed.
We typically update content on a website when we redesign it. Is there anything that needs to be removed or added so that we can properly write what is needed?
We can discuss more in-depth later.
Will you be providing any images or photography for this project? If not, that is fine. We can use stock photography where we need to.
Do you need a photographer to come out to your location for facility pictures and or headshots?