
For any website owner aiming to enhance their online success or enrich their visitors' experience, utilizing Google Analytics is key. As a complimentary resource, Google Analytics enables you to gather data on your visitors and how they interact with your site. It simplifies the process of monitoring your website's performance and verifying the efficacy of your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy in achieving your online objectives.

In the Google Analytics 101 workshop, Matthew Maennche will demystify everything you need to know about Google Analytics, from setup to proficient usage. Owning a small business doesn't mean lacking in marketing prowess or the resources to maximize their impact. The workshop will explore topics such as:

  • The basics of Google Analytics.
  • The advantages of Google Analytics for your site.
  • Strategies for leveraging Google Analytics to monitor web traffic effectively.

If you're set on steering your online marketing efforts towards unprecedented success this year, mastering Google Analytics is essential. This seminar will equip you with the know-how to deploy this robust tool for your website, yielding tangible outcomes. Matthew Maennche aims to simplify complex terms, empowering you with the confidence to track and enhance your site's traffic.

Discover insights that high-priced marketing firms keep under wraps in this seminar. Regardless of your experience level, I assure you'll leave ready to apply Google Analytics to your website. If you're eager to uncover the full potential of this invaluable tool, make sure to RSVP for Google Analytics 101 today!

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Website Re-design Quote

Step 1 of 3

Please list any URL’s that may apply.
Enter any additional functionality needed.
We typically update content on a website when we redesign it. Is there anything that needs to be removed or added so that we can properly write what is needed?
We can discuss more in-depth later.
Will you be providing any images or photography for this project? If not, that is fine. We can use stock photography where we need to.
Do you need a photographer to come out to your location for facility pictures and or headshots?