Some may ask, “What is a backlink?”. In their simplest form, backlinks connect websites to each other. If you put a link to a website on your page, someone has a backlink from you. If someone else posts a link to your website on their page, you have a backlink from them. Backlinks help with rankings, discoverability, and referral traffic.

Backlinks are like votes; these give boosts to your page and can help your rankings for relevant searches through search engines such as Google. Search engines revisit pages looking for new content. Popular pages are visited more often, so getting backlinks from popular pages boosts your chances of being discovered. We refer people to other people or things for varying reasons in our daily lives. Backlinks refer people to resources with just the click of a button. When your backlink is being clicked, you are getting referrals.

Backlinks Technology Online Web Concept

Strong web pages have the opportunity to provide more authority as they are likely to be trusted and used more often. This helps with traffic flow as high-traffic pages will give you more referrals. The backlink location can also play a part in how much traffic it may get. Consider the placement when looking at opportunities. If the backlink is in a well-seen area, such as the top of the website, it will have a better opportunity than if at the bottom of the page or in a list.

Backlinks can be checked through the Google Search Console. This will inform you about your website’s search traffic and performance. You will be able to see three reports, including top-linked pages, top linking sites, and top linking text. There are also third-party backlink checkers that can be used.

There are three different ways to get more backlinks: creating, earning, or building them. To create backlinks, you will manually add them to your site from other websites. This can be done by leaving comments on blogs, leaving replies on forum threads, and submitting links to business directories. You can earn backlinks by creating content that interests others and is helpful to them. This strengthens your opportunity for others to want to link to your content and ultimately follow through.

Building backlinks is when you ask others to publish a link to your page. This can be done by asking site owners or editors to do so. This can be done in a few different ways; one may search for broken links and then reach out to the website suggesting they replace the broken link with your link, one may ask to guest blog for a website in return for a backlink, one could also find a similar product and ask the author to mention you and add your backlink.

Backlinks vary and have many attributes that contribute to their quality and usefulness. Backlinks assist in creating your rank in Google and other search engine results pages which can be critical to building your online presence. If it is easy to get a link, most likely, it will be less valuable. Sometimes it’s worth more work and effort for something to be more beneficial.

Business team working on backlinks

Why Choose Maennche Marketing Agency for SEO?

Maennche Marketing Agency is happy to provide our top-tier search engine optimization (SEO) services to help businesses grow. We are focused on building each client's online success with our customizable SEO packages. Our goal is to educate all of our customers on the different SEO services we offer and help them decide on the right one for their objectives.