Most Marketers aim to maximize sales through online marketing. The first step to achieving this is to ensure that as many individuals as possible are aware of your products and services as this is the first step to acquiring new customers. Online marketing depends on search engine optimization to help reach as many people as possible. Search Engine Optimization or S.E.O. has become an essential aspect for online marketers who wish to reach success.

What Is SEO?

S.E.O. is the process of making your website as compatible with search engine as possible. Each search engine has its own rules and guidelines that website owners and bloggers can use to maximize the way their sites are viewed by search engines thus enhancing a websites search engine ranking. When search engines highly rank your site, it means that when people search for that particular product or service on the Internet, your website will be among the top sites to appear in the search results. Maintaining solid S.E.O. practices will also improve sales from other marketing channels, such as Social Media Management, due to it’s bi-product of improving your website to be more user-friendly and easier to navigate.

Woman circling SEO

Importance Of SEO

You might be wondering why exactly your website needs SEO, other than for improving search results and making it user-friendly. Here are some of the top reasons SEO is a must for all webmasters:

  • Once an individual searches for a particular product or services, the searching user typically only clicks on the first 3 or 5 results displayed on the search engine. It is here that the true rewards of solid S.E.O. practices can be seen.
  • Search Engine Optimization can be very complimentary to promotion of the website. Individuals who find your site quickly on Yahoo or Google are likely to share it and promote it on other sites like Twitter and Facebook thus increasing the amount of people who know about you and your products.
  • S.E.O. is essential for running big websites. Following solid Search Engine Optimization practices will benefit your business in both direct and indirect ways. First, it helps by driving traffic to the site, and secondly by building a common framework.
  • Website users tend to trust search engines, and therefore if your site is positioned at the top of the list for relevant keywords your organization will be able to develop trust with the user much quicker.

It helps to be ahead of your competitors. If you are selling similar products or services with another site and your site is search engine optimized, you will have more prospect consumers than your competitors thus increasing your potential for sales.

Stages Of Search Engine Optimization

SEO can be broken into two steps:

  • Onsite – These are the rules that you follow and apply to your site to attempt to increase search visibility. This includes using the right keywords, having unique and quality content, understanding what readers could be looking for and how they are looking for it. These are the central aspects of S.E.O. and essentials steps in making your site great.
  • Offsite – It can be termed as link building or website promotion. It is a way of promoting your site using other sites. This is mostly achieved by using links.

If there are numerous incoming links, it shows that your site is trustworthy and it can improve your ranking. If the links are outsourced from credible sources, it affects your ranking positively.

The most important aspect of SEO is the quality of your content. Good content and proper use of keywords ensure that search engines highly rank your site.