While likely not the first target audience for most businesses, seniors generally have an expendable income and are looking for businesses just like yours. Instead of taking pictures of seniors and adding larger than life text to your advertising, it’s typically not the best way to get their attention. Like other demographics, baby boomers are spending a lot of their time online, but they may require a different marketing strategy to be spurred into action. If you are ready to start reaching a more mature audience, here are some of the ways you can market to seniors.

Don’t Underestimate Them

There’s a common misconception that seniors aren’t making their own purchasing decisions and are relying on their children to make them for them. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Most seniors are able-bodied and have the expendable income needed to purchase the things they want on their own. Speak to seniors directly with your marketing materials and not an assumed caregiver to ensure they receive the message as intended.

Make The Process Easy

Seniors didn’t grow up using the internet every day like younger generations. Unfortunately, this can make the sales funnel a little more difficult for them if it has too many steps. Creating a simple buying process will ensure they don’t get lost and give up and complete whatever goal you are trying to get them to. Be clear with your links and give tips on the process without being intrusive to give them an experience they understand.

Speak Their Language

Unlike millennials that are captivated by new slang and a steady stream of emojis, seniors are more interested in learning how your product or services will actually benefit them. While this may seem uneventful to a younger crowd, it’s one of the easiest ways to reach this demographic and encourage them to give your business a shot. Fine-tune your advertising copy to ensure it doesn’t focus on language they aren’t familiar with for the most impact.

Do Your Research

The needs of an aging population are far different from those of millennials. And while seniors may not want the same things that appeal to teens, that doesn’t mean your product doesn’t serve a use for them as well. As long as you can explain why they would want your product and how it can benefit them, they will be ready to try it. After all, this is the first step of incorporating them into your sales funnel. Just make sure you are segmenting your ads to ensure they are reaching the right ears.


Focus On Personalization

Most seniors expect great customer service because that is what they were used to growing up. Unfortunately, this means they don’t respond well to automated customer service or chatbots. If you can create a personalized experience for seniors, they will remember it and will be more likely to become a repeat customer. Even a simple gesture like having a live phone operator can be the thing they need to feel more comfortable.

Expand Your Marketing Channels

Although seniors may be online, they still prefer to receive their marketing materials in traditional ways like catalogs or mailers. If you are attempting to reach seniors with your advertising, you may want to consider leveraging the channels they are familiar with and trust. Print isn’t dead for seniors and creating tangible and personalized marketing materials for them is often the best approach.