Whether you are searching for new leads or trying to land the perfect candidate for your open position, LinkedIn is likely one of the first places you start. In the past, finding these candidates could be a time-consuming and ineffective process; however, drilling down on your target audiences can simplify the process. If you haven’t seen LinkedIn’s Advanced Search option, here are some of the ways I can help you.

How Does LinkedIn’s Advanced Search Work?

As you search the LinkedIn database, existing members of your network will open pathways to similar users that will often be your best starting leads. Through a degree of separation system, LinkedIn can identify users that are 2 to 3 degrees away from your first-degree connections. This can help open a conversation through a shared acquaintance and provide an opportunity to reach untapped networks.

When searching through LinkedIn’s Advanced Search tool, make sure that you have checked both first-degree connections and second-degree network members as a relationship option. Once the results have populated, you can then view the profiles to see their full name as well as what connections you have in common and then use that information to determine if that user is a worthwhile lead that should be pursued.

Important Considerations When Using LinkedIn’s Advanced Search

For general prospecting, it is important to understand what tools are available to you through the LinkedIn Advanced Search tool. Testing the tool and familiarizing yourself with these options will improve your chances of success when searching for the perfect lead. Some important considerations include:

  • Narrowing Your Search – By using keywords or keyword phrases in your search criteria, you have the ability to target very distinct niche areas of an industry or job. Before starting your search, make a list of keywords that you will try out.
  • Use Specific Targeting – If you are looking for employees of a certain company, utilize the Company field in the LinkedIn Advanced Search tool. When incorporating the Title field, you also have the ability to find employees at a certain company based on the role that they have.
  • Utilize Consultants – If you know who your potential leads are, using the LinkedIn Advanced Search tool can help pinpoint service professionals, consultants or contractors that may be able to open a door for conversation for you. If a potential connection is found, these service professionals can help create a dialog between you and a desired lead.
Linkedin Website in Macbook

Although underutilized, the LinkedIn Advanced Search tool can help your business find the leads you have been searching for with minimal invested money. Since creating a LinkedIn profile is free, there is no reason it should be included in your marketing strategies if you are seeking B2B leads. Familiarize yourself with this tool and the results you will quickly find why it is so effective for business growth across all industries.