If you are a small business owner, you likely are constantly looking for new ways to market your business without breaking the bank. While many marketers will promise to skyrocket you to the top of search engine rankings quickly as long as you have the ability to front them some cash. This typically leaves your wallet lighter and your marketing outlook the same. If you are looking for easy ways to get your business in front of potential customers, here are 5 low-cost marketing ideas that can help get you started!


Google AdWords Credits

If you have never used Google AdWords before, you may be eligible for a credit for FREE advertising just for signing up and spending $25 on your first advertising campaign. With Google AdWords, small business owners have the ability to affordably advertise locally or globally and only pay when someone clicks your ads. Learn how Google AdWords can provide low cast marketing for your business and claim your ad credit today!

Get On The Maps

If your business doesn’t have a FREE Google My Business Listing, you are missing out on the wealth of benefits that it could be providing your small business. With this listing, you have the ability to be featured in local packs whenever customers search for your business on Google Search or Google Maps. This is guaranteed to bring you more customers and can help give you a search engine boost. Sign up for your FREE listing today show potential customers what makes your business so special and expand your reach online.

Attend Networking Events

Sure, small talk might not be your favorite thing. But, one or two drinks in, it becomes a lot more fun and a lot less awkward. Make sure you make actual connections during these events though, don’t just shove your business cards down people’s throats. Chances are that there are several networking events around your city at any given time. Networking events are a great way to connect with other business owners to create partnerships or learn about new, exciting marketing ideas that you can implement inexpensively.

Need some help finding local networking events that you can attend? Browse the events available through your local SCORE chapter to get started!

Milk The Media

Getting your business featured by the media is FREE marketing. With services like Help a Reporter Out, you can seek out opportunities to be interviewed for print, radio and tv or contribute your expertise to an upcoming story. Anything that your business is doing that is newsworthy is a potentially FREE way to gain exposure through the media. To capture the attention of the media do something for your community and send out a press release prior to the event or sponsor a local event and give away your products or services as a prize.

Build Your Email List

Email has an ROI of 4,300% and is one of the most cost-effective AND revenue-driving online channels out there. Email lets you communicate with thousands of customers, or potential customers, at the touch of a button. And, for smaller mailing lists, it’s usually FREE. Get customers to fill in a form with their email address whenever they buy a product or service from you and have a “Sign up for more information” field on your “Contact us” page. This will help you build a list of email addresses to contact whenever you have a new product or offer.